Making Things Happen: Mompreneurs on a Mission

Running your own business can feel daunting and lonely. Together, we will work to put action behind these dreams. With support and accountability from this entrepreneurial community, you will move your business to where you've dreamed.

What you can expect

A once a month in-person (Larchmont, NY) coaching program designed specifically to support moms from the start of an idea through taking their business to the next level. This intimate group will move your business to where you’ve dreamed with the support on an entrepreneurial community that will last beyond the time in the group.


  • Goal setting and accountability to keep your business moving forward

  • Referrals and connections to take your business to the next level

  • Remove imposter syndrome so that you can take action

  • Feedback and recommendations from a group of like-minded moms

  • Support in what can often be a lonely time

Hi, I’m Dara

I specialize in empowering ambitious mompreneurs to rediscover what’s possible and confidently bring their businesses to the next level.

As a mom of two young children who spent nearly two decades at large corporate companies and recently became an entrepreneur, I created this group out of the desire help other women like me succeed in what can often feel overwhelming and lonely.

I love meeting new people and using my connections to help support them and their businesses. It’s been amazing to see all of the connections and growth that I have already seen from this group and look forward to welcoming more incredible women to our circle.

Expected Outcomes of Program


Heightened Confidence

Eliminate negative thoughts and self-doubt, cultivating a resilient mindset that empowers confident decision-making and action-taking in your business


Next Level Your Business

After each session you will leave with small, actionable steps to take your business to the next level. You will leave motivated and productive.


Connections and Referrals

This group will provide you with recommendations for networking, customers for your business, and referral partnerships where appropriate.

Any Questions?

  • This group is meant to be small and is max 7 in person each month but the community of women is larger.

  • You will purchase a 3 pack that can be used any time within the year. You sign up month by month based on your schedule.

  • It’s often the first Wednesday of the month at The Idea Kitchen in Larchmont, NY from 10am-1130a.

  • Absolutely. You will leave each session with action items that you want to work on. You can use this group to hold you accountable and for feedback on what you were working on, even if you are not in the live session that month.

What everyone’s saying..

“Thank you for all your support and for cheering me on to take the leap! I made so many great connections in your sessions and am grateful for the unstoppable community of moms that you are pulling together”


“It can be lonely and isolating to work on something "from home" and having a group to meet with to discuss the journey is really extremely valuable. I recommend the group to so many people and wish every single one of them would at least dip their toe in the water to explore.”


”This group has had a tremendous impact on my accountability and productivity! It's always nice to know how much I can accomplish in a month and it's a good feeling to be able to share with the group. Additionally, as I come up with fresh ideas, I love that I have the opportunity to share them and receive valuable feedback from the group. It's nice to have sounding boards who aren't in my industry to get an objective perspective. The supportive environment and collaborative nature of this group have truly been instrumental in driving my motivation and progress!”
